About us and our programme

Our Whakatauki:

Manaaki Whenua ... We look after the land and environment

Manaaki Tangata ...  We look after the people

Haere Whakamua ... We can all go forward in our learning

You will hear laughter from both adults and children as you come up our long driveway. This is everyone’s place. The families and whānau nourish our kindergarten and our community to grow and strengthen.

We encourage children to be learners, investigating the world around them, taking risks, discovering, and gaining confidence. We view children as adventurers who teach and learn.

When you visit you will see our philosophy of manaakitanga (respect for all things). New Zealand Sign Language and Te Reo Maori are used within our kindergarten alongside English. We believe in an inclusive environment supporting individual needs of children and whanau.

We make connections to our wider community and local iwi. We encourage the sharing of different cultures and their customs. We celebrate difference and embrace fun.         

Our kindergarten was named after Doris Turner Nicholson, Upper Hutt’s mayor from 1970-77. To enrol your child just pop in and see us at 'play', and ask any questions you may have. We are also on Facebook, just click ‘like’ to receive regular updates.

Follow Doris Nicholson Kindergarten on Facebook! 

Register your interest here!

The team

Left to right: Lisa, Dhanaye, Deb (head teacher), Lisa, Jane and Elizabeth

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Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 2:30pm

2023 Term Dates

Term 4:

Monday 09 October - Friday 22 December

2024 Term Dates


Term 1:


Friday 19 January to Friday 12 April 


Term 2:


Monday 29 April to Friday 05 July 


Term 3:


Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September


Term 4:


Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December