In 2022 Whānau Manaaki CEO Amanda Coulston and Whanganui Senior Teacher Katie Fry shared their learned insights with Impact Collective to help them build a picture of well being of tamariki and whānau in Whanganui, a region with 11 Whānau Manaaki services. 

The completed Whanganui Equity and Wellbeing Profile Report shares incredible strenths, insights and opportunities to build a more resilient, thriving community. You can view this report here. 

Amanda and Katie shared with them our association's belief in the importance of supporting parents and tamariki to be the best families they can be. The importance of a strong shared love for the tamariki, no matter what background teachers, parents or staff come from.

A major challenge children face is living in a place where their community is not thriving or progressing together. Whānau Manaaki strongly believes that if a family isn't doing well then the child will not be doing well either. We spoke to Impact Collective about our aim to support not just the child but also the parents in any way we can.

In the video below Amanda talks about how providing a nurturing and supportive environment for whānau will benefit every child.